Prayer Request

Father i need your help
To all you prayerful listeners out there, i need some good advice. Me and my husband have not spoken to each other for 2wks today bcuz he is a liar and cheat. And im pretty much tired of it all. He knows that i know whats going on and wht fustrates me most is he has the stupid arrogance about it all. I pray every kind of prayer, i believe God is doing something, but i need to know how to communicate with him without getting angry and fighting. Plese help

by blessed1

Pray Pray

5 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

To help with my anger I read through the book of James. And I read some where in either Romans or Deuteronomy that I think deals with unfaithfulNess in marriage. You are in my prayers!

Gavin - Atlanta | on Feb 06, 2010

Get out girl!!! If he continues to lie and cheat then he is nit honoring the Lord and God wants you to be free to do that in your own life and if you are yoked to a man that doesn't, God will not be able to use you!!! Take it fRom someone whoS seen it and livedc it!

Alone\'sAngel | on Feb 06, 2010

Thank you

blessed1 | on Feb 06, 2010

Dear blessed 1 let God handle it ALL Put it n his hands an LEAVE it there he has it all

jazz | on Feb 06, 2010

I know how you feel. I have walked in your shoes and my prayer for you is for all people to see you as the captain of your own ship. Never again give the ships wheel over to anyone but Christ. Trust not in any man. I pray that Jesus holds your feelings in the palm of his hands and steels your heart against anymore hurts.

cb | on Feb 06, 2010


shudderingdemons | on Feb 06, 2010

Amen! Thank you all very much

blessed1 | on Feb 06, 2010

No problem girl. I 'll be hear for you.

shudderingdemons | on Feb 06, 2010

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