Prayer Request

Dear God: Thank you for all the blessings that you have given me. Lord I am desperate. My family needs help. Please help us God. There is no one else to turn to. I am not sure how much longer I can hang on. Save me God! Save me Jesus. Please deliver my family from this evil that I have gotten them into. These things I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

by Saved

Pray Pray

6 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I don't know you...but I don't need to. I pray that you and your family get what you need and that no harm is done to any of you. I'm not belittling your situation but I've been there and I pray that God gives you the strength to hold on till he works his miracle. From one person to another you have what it takes to overcome this struggle. God bless you man. Remember no matter how dark the hour is never lose hope and keep your faith close.

TJ | on Feb 06, 2010

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