Prayer Request

Lord help me........i need to let go.....of the pain...the hurt i have... I really need a friend right now..... Somebody to wash my tears away....somebody i can cry on...... Im tired of cryin.....

by jsjassjjaya

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Jesus will never leave u nor forsake you. trust in Him lay it all at his feet. God is good. if u ever feel uhave no one think again hez always with u. God bless u n God keep u.

beautifully_blessed | on Feb 04, 2010

You'll be okay. How I know because I prayed for you. The pain will soon fade away and happiness will fill your heart. For if you don't know how pain feels you'll never enjoy the feeling of joy, happiness and peace. God bless you.

Soul Dreamer | on Feb 05, 2010

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