Prayer Request

Lord i read today and started to fear u more Lord. I know it all spiritual and i do not want the evil to interfere and make me not fear u my Lord. Pleas forgive me for the things that i did that wasnt pleasant to u. I need more help then i even thought i would need. You should be my only and most high concern. Can someone please tell me if God can forgive u more than once on the same issue. I despise how i have gotten weak in the flesh. I didn actually regret what i've done, but i do wish i didn't do so at all. Lord guide me, make it more clear for me. Please don't punish me. I will ALWAYS believe in you.

by Jaz

Pray Pray

2 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

We serve a merciful an forgiving God pray 4 balance.

Truth | on Feb 04, 2010

What do u mean pray for balance? Hmm, u mean weight it by doing good deeds, or more to it?

Jaz | on Feb 04, 2010

Our Father died on the cross for all our sins. No matter how great or small we may consider our sin to be, His blood covers a multitude of sins. In the bible He also teaches us to forgive those who sin against us 77x7 times. In other words He is saying to forgive our brother or sister in Christ no matter how many times he or she may commit the same sin over again. God loves his children dearly and nothing we do or say will stop Him from loving us. He holds no record of wrongs.
God bless

Devoted2you | on Feb 04, 2010

Thank you. ^^^ thank you so much.. I'm glad the Lord will send u a msg through other when we don't quite hear him clearly on somethings. I feel better. Bring God the glory.

Jaz | on Feb 04, 2010

God receives all the glory and honor :)

Devoted2you | on Feb 05, 2010

I know. =) thanx again.

Jaz | on Feb 08, 2010

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