Prayer Request

God thanku for being the strength for my sister. God thanku for giving her peace and confidence in her self. Thank u for putting my brother at some peace he is starting to see u again and your power and glory. Thanku for my job and the people I work with. Thanku for my brother visiting me at work.thanking u for the apartment opening for my mom, thanku for the food we have . Thanku for my house, our cars. Our dog. Thanku for my supportive family and friends. Thanku for church, church tv, christian radio, thanku for the neighborhood we live in, our neighbors, thanku for my partner who is strong,understanding and patient. Thanku for my mother, my neice, my nephew, my sis and bro . and the in laws. Lord I can go on forever thanking you but I would take up this entire app. and thanku for this app!

by Anonymous

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