Prayer Request

Dear Lord, thank you for this wonderful day you have made, but hhere were some problems going on today. My friend thinks I never talk to her or I ignore her. Please help us to have a better relationship! And everyone at school is bullying, picking on, and teasing my boyfriend for some reason. It's gotten really bad. I wanna help him out but idk what to do. I've kinda stood up to them but not fully. Please cleanse their hearts and make them better Christians. I live you lord. Do with me what you will.
In Jesus name I pray,

by GodsGirlForever19

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Good job for standing up to those bullies in doing that you are teaching ur friend how to later.good luck. Be true to yourself always. Don't ever be afraid to love God. I wish I was like u when I was younger. You r so brave.

I Find Strength in Him, ALC | on Feb 02, 2010

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