Prayer Request

Dear lord I feel as if I can't do anything for myself as if I can't do anything right the harder I strive the harder I fall this has been happening for 7years its getting to the point where i fear taking chances, I fear life and worst of all I fear living I pray for your mercy. I pray for you to free my soul by releasing my extra unnecessary baggage let doors fly open help me believe again amen

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

12 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Life is definetly full of surprises. I know because the last 5 have been a constant struggle for me. It seems like once I think I'm moving forward and things seem hopeful, here comes something else. Its crazy cause my life never seemed this unbalanced before. Its true that every knee shall bow because I have been on my knees praying so much lately. Its sad the way things go but look at it this way you are not alone. We are all on here praying for a better day and tomorrow. So keep ur head up as much as possible. And I will try to do the same.

happiness | on Feb 02, 2010

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