Prayer Request

Lord, I ask that you keep guiding me through this. Help me make the right decision for me. I keep pray that if this is guy for me, help us change for the best. If he's not then let us go our separate ways. At the moment we are taking time from each other to think things through. Give him peace in his heart lord and let him open his eyes, ears, mind and heart to you lord. Let him hear you talking to him. Lord, I keep praying for my dad that you continue to work on him and soften his heart. Let him open up to my mom and let her be his confidant. I pray for my sister and that you guide them everyday. I ask for forgiveness lord, for the pain I caused my mom yesterday. I hate fighting with her, I really do. She means the world to me. I pray that our relationship as mother and daughter only gets better. I pray for my mom that you give her peace in her heart and strength to go on. I ask that you show us the truth lord because only you know what truly happened. Continue to bless our family and bring us closer. Amen

by Anonymous

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