Prayer Request

Heavenly father thank u for waking me up this morning. U are an awesome God. U are all knowing and wonderful. Please forgive me for my sins. Thank u for my family and my wife family. Keep them all healthy and forgive them for there sins. Bless my marriage lord. Make my wife s better wife and me a better husband. Please bless us with a child lord. Continue to keep my nephew on the right track and keep my son on the right track as well. Bless all the kids in my school lord. Please give me the desires of my heart lord. Bless my career and keep me from sickness and disease. Teach to be a better man of God. Teach me how to pray. Give me joy,peace, wisdom, happiness and faithfulness. O lord hear my prayer. Forgive me for letting u down, I feel so bad. Lord guide me and lead me and guide me. Give me a renewed spirit. Have mercy on my soul lord u know my heart. Keep me walking in the light lord. I'm tired of trying to do it my way lord. Thank u and I love u. Amen!

by LB

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