Prayer Request
Good morning lord thank you so much for converting me... i now feel the happiness that most christans feel i love you lord n for a 18 yr old im excited to see what this new life brings now i need to work on my mom and sister so they could see what i see amen....
by david Pray 11 people prayed for this
Comments on this Prayer
If I can help, this is what I sudgest. By how you live ( your changes) will be the best testimony to your family to change. When they see how u have changed and the inner joy you have; they will want to know that joy also and the holy spirit will help u by giving you the words to encourage them in their walk to have a personal relationship with Christ. Keep praying for them and let God do the hard work!!!!!
2fly | on Feb 02, 2010
I'm going threw the same thing man. All you can do is pray for them, walk with God, and ill pray for yah too. God bless yah and good luck ;)
Anonymous | on Feb 02, 2010
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