Prayer Request

Goodnight Lord I pray for a clear mind and i pray that you take all fear away all bad and sad thoughts away from my mind regarding school. Let your will be Done Lord guide me where you want me and I pray that you hear my prayers Lord. I will be doing some footwooork on my career this coming weeks if it is where you want me then Lord guide me and bless me with being able to be excepted into another program else where since that person is still in charge at the college close to my home. Give me strengh to make that one last call if it is what you want me to do and i leave it all in your hands Lord i am not one to be revengefull i belive that you take care of all situations good and bad it is not my duty to do so. I need to only think of my and my families well being. I will continue to do the next thing you wish me to do your will be done Lord not mine. I pray in your name and your sons name Lord Jesus Christ amen

by Cindle

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