Prayer Request

Thank you for speaking to me today lord. I felt your presence today at Crossroads church. Please keep this fire burning and help me to resist all temptation. I want to turn my life around and I can't do it alone. I need reminders, I need mentors. Please introduce people and opportunity into my life so that I don't have to do this alone. Lord write your name on my heart and help me to get into your word each day. I know you have so much in store for me , I can feel it everyday. Please open my eyes to all that you have for me. Help my focus on your eternal prize, and empower me to set aside all earthly values and to put my hope in you.

by benjamin.

Pray Pray

10 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

God is going to bless u

jazz | on Jan 31, 2010

Where are you located?

BLESSED IN TEXAS .. [email hidden from spammers] | on Jan 31, 2010


benjamin. | on Jan 31, 2010

Ur n the nati aren't u

jazz | on Feb 01, 2010

Hahaha naw I'm from youngstown

benjamin. | on Feb 01, 2010

O okay coo

jazz | on Feb 01, 2010

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