Prayer Request

father another morning you have blessed me to see. I'm thankful for all of my mercies. I'm happy to know my family has been blessed another day to. Many time I don't always understand why things are way they are. Most of the time I have sadness and many doubts. About my kids future. Its been hurtful all I want to do is finish college and get job and a car just a better way of living. I want the sadness and the constant rejection to leave my soul. The rejection of there father's not loving them enough to stick around. Take away my son sadness the confusion of what's wrong with us. Take away of the hardness I have in teaching him. I know I don't always do right. But I'm still fighting and trying. So I ask that you blessed there father's and keep them safe. I asked that you mend Miguel mind and heart. Open his eyes and soften his heart so he may seek you. Father you know my heart I love this man he is apart of my dream and my noah. I asking you for my happy ending. Please forgive me for sins. God bless everyone in Jesus name amen.

by angeleyez

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