Prayer Request

Lord, i have been through so much in the past few months. Afta having 2 deal with watching my son suffer n the hospital, my car gets reposessed the very next month. We were struggling for months, b4 my son arrived, not knowing how the rent would get paid some months. My husband paying more attention 2 his X-box, than 2 finding a job 4 the livelihood of his family. I've been strong 4 every1 else... had 2 draw strength 4rm u, just 2 make it through the day. Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute Lord.... i will trust u! Thru it all Lord u gave me my son, who has been my reason 2 press on. All things work 2gether 4 the good of them who love the i stand on that n Thank u n advance.

by Alicia

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