Prayer Request

When faith is the only thing you have left and it isnt doing anything what do you have left?

by Wandering Soul

Pray Pray

5 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I guess the only thing you can do is keep praying. Many people have told me that hard times are testing your faith. It is really hard to keep going. I know. But what else can you do? We'll hang in there together:)

Lana | on Jan 30, 2010

you know I found myself asking the same question. I just lost my mama to an 8 yr battle with metastatic breast cancer on Dec 23 I was furious with God because I honestly believed that he'd grant my family a miracle but I had to surrender myself and trust that he knew what was best for me. I do not understand it and I never will but because I love the Lord I will trust in him. God will never give you more than you can handle and when it does feel too overwhelming you hand it over to him but you heart has to be in it. if you choose to lean on Him you wont be disappointed. I promise. if you'd like to talk more here's my e mail [email hidden from spammers]

kasey | on Jan 31, 2010

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