Prayer Request

I wish more people would comment. I sometimes think I am the only one going through these things and I get even more depressed. I can't even get cyber advice. God if the world does end in 2012 I will have wasted my life and I hate myself for that.

by Wandering Soul

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Please know that you are not alone. Believe me I am going through really tough things too. I am here for you! Feel free to tell or ask me anything and I will do my best to help you! And God is here for you too:)

Lana | on Jan 30, 2010

You are not alone. Right now is a volitle time in the world. When I am really in the dark I go to the word. Sometimes people don't understand you and it's hard to explain to them what you are going through. Sometimes you don't want to feel like you are burdening anyone with your stuff. When you feel like this it means you about to have a breakthrough. God is going to change your life for the greater good. Hold your head high and know that God loves you. When you feel down and need strength read Psalms 91 and Psalms 37. They always help to encourage me.. God loves you and so do I!

Moon | on Jan 30, 2010

Stay strong brother. I have been praying for you and will continue to do so. You are definitely not the only one going through some hard times. My life isn't easy now either, and there are so many times that I feel like just giving up, but I pray to God that He strengthens my faith and helps me through, and He does. Just continue to trust in Him no matter how crazy life gets. He is powerful, and He is good. If you ever want to talk, my email is [email hidden from spammers]

Bri ( | on Jan 30, 2010

That last part is .com I don't know why it showed up weird like that.

Bri ( | on Jan 30, 2010

Jesus says to not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will worry for itself. You haven't waisted ur life. God loves you and is always waiting on you. I'm praying for you. Don't loose hope. When 1 door closes another 1 opens. Be strong... God bless you!

nila, tx ( witness) | on Jan 31, 2010

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