Prayer Request

I feel so lost right now. I dont know what to do next. Because i lost my the love in my life i feel there is nothing left. Please lord help me find purpose. A purpose to go on with my life. Help me start for i am stuck.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

14 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Father in the name of jesus I ask that you comfort your child. Father we place their heart in your capable & great hands & we thank you that in your hands your child will be made whole. Father I ask that you renew his spirit & that you send the holy spirit in amplified measure to minister & comfort your child. We praise you for your movement as we speak! In jesus' name Amen.

Millie | on Jan 30, 2010

Please help your child and guide them through this tough time.Let them know they are not alone. If they are stuck let your ever loving grace lift them up to put them on the right path again. God we love you and are grateful for all you've done. Amen.

Anonymous | on Jan 30, 2010

Lord we pray to you for holy comfort in Jesus name amen!

CG saved by grace, blessed by mercy.I stand in agreement lor | on Jan 30, 2010

Let me tell you my testimony. In jan of 06 I met the "love of my life," but little did I know. He left me after I had given him my all and ran for his life, scared of commitement. In the end of june that yr I hit bottom. The only way to go after that is up. I was driving home and the song god send me an angel by amanda perez came on. I was balling depressed, you name it, that was me. I started repenting for everything and asked for his forgiveness and asked for my soulmate to be sent to me. 2 weeks later I met my husband. We didn't pursue the relationship the way god wanted but god knew his perfect timing for sending my husband. We got married in oct of 06 and have been madly in love since july 06. We now have a 2 yr old son and I am 6 months pregnant with our second. It might feel like your lost now and I guarentee you that if you just hand it over to god, you will be happy that you ended with the person god gave you, not the one the enemy gave and took away.

Anonymous | on Jan 30, 2010

He is ur purpose and has not left you for 1 second of ur life and Never will. God bless

nila, tx ( witness) | on Jan 30, 2010

God loves you!

nila, tx ( witness) | on Jan 30, 2010

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