Prayer Request

Lord i come before you asking for your guidance. As a mother i need you more than ever and my son d.g. needs you tremdously. Lord you know his situation and only you can help.lord i ask that you let him lean on you for help in this matter and that he becomes closer to you and truly gives his life to you. Let him stop trying to impress his peers and focus on what is best for him and his future. I give this whole situation over to you because i know you will work it out. Lord let d.g. understand he needs to grow up and start acting like a responsible teenager and that life is not one big game. Let him realize as an adult life can be fun if you prepare yourself. Lord i know this situation will pass without leaving a blemish on d.g. life but will be a wake up call as to why life is not a big game. Lord i pray these things into existance in Jesus name Amen.

by 3kt

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Amen. This hits home for me too but God is able.

Anonymous | on Jan 30, 2010

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