Prayer Request

Father it happend... we got into an arguement right now.. he hurts me with words and i cant take it anymore. I just have to leave the room.. i pray father that u will get into his heart right now god and so that he may feel conviction for his harsh words.. i dont know what to do god..lead me jesus name i pray these things to u, amen!

by Lori

Pray Pray

10 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

God is with u ma he gives us the strength we need to endure everything wrong or right in our lives. There are brighter days ahead God will open his eyes and enter his heart so that he may not treat u bad again. U are a child of Christ and he will not forsake. Be strong mamita the waters run deep in u. In the name of Jesus I pray that u have a joyous day. Rejoice in love for that is what God is love.

Kristina aKa BrOwniE | on Jan 29, 2010

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