Prayer Request

My father, sister, and I are very anxious about potentially selling our house soon, Father. Once we realize that we could be in a new house within a few months, it makes us realize how much we truly love the house we are in now. It's beautiful and it has a pool and a fantastic yard and it's just home. It's home. And part of me will do almost anything to stay here, in my home. I don't know what to think becuase I also love the 2323 house that my mom and brother want to move into this instant. It just seems like our new home, our next home. I just don't know. I cried myself to sleep the other night, imagining moving from my home. Please, let what happens be what's best for us and what you want and what is in Your will. We know nothing. You know everything. Where ever we end up, please let it be best for us and in Your will. Please give us courage and strength. Amen.

by *Mae*

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