Prayer Request
Dear Lord ,
Id like to start with thank you for waking me up again today .. im so thankful for many things , i have alotta of prayers on here , and have prayed for everyone on here .. Thank you for my healthy life , my childrens and husbands healthy lives , please help us to have another child , hoping for 2 more children . Please look after my dad , mom , bro , sis , kev , cisca , cheena , margie , julie and her son and many more .. thank you for helping me find myself and dedicate myself to u , im so thankful for food ,clothes , water , life , health , my home . Id really love for my husband to start coming to church with us , i already got him to come to a church dinner and hopefully the next one .. im so happy when im at church , i let all my problems and stress go , but as soon as i leave im full again literally moments later .. please help me finacially .. bless all the children of the world .. i have helped so many and been taken by just about all of them .. i always wonder when my good will come .. help addicts find strength please .. watch over my childrens as they sleep , in school , and thru out the day .. jesus help me with my weight , but thank u for my health , help me with a job , help me with money .. god bless u all . In jesus name amen..
by melissa Pray 3 people prayed for this
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