Prayer Request

Dear god,
I have not prayed in awhile now.. and I'm not really sure why. I seem to be in a constant battle with myself. And with all battles or wars..the outcome never is never good. Why is it so hard to be the person I wish to be. Why am I so easily distracted, so quick to change direction, and too stubborn to realize. How can you forgive and love someone who is constantly turning away from you. Please open my eyes. Because I seem to lack the strength and courage to open them myself. I need you. I keep forgetting that.. but its true.
I need you.

by kye

Pray Pray

14 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I so agree with how u r feelin,,I see myself in the same situation. We need 2 be stronger. God bless

Anonymous | on Jan 28, 2010

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