Prayer Request

Lord God...i just want to come before you humbly and say "thank you"...your grace and mercy is what keeps me going everyday Lord. I love you. I thank you for blessing with my class situation Lord..i prayed, and once again, like the faithful God you are. You answered. I would like to lift my sisters up to You Lord, i pray that you guide them in the right direction as we all graduate and begin to make our career choices. I pray that You bless us with the jobs that you see fitting for us Lord God. Thank you for watching over my family. And most of all, thank you for watching over me. Your child..and through You, i know that i am blessed..and i humbly accept every blessing, trial, and tribulation Lord because Your word sas the You will not put more on me than i can bare. So i will keep pushing with the armor of God protocting me. Lord thank you for ebing "behind me to push, in front of me to guide, on the sides of me to protect me, in me to fill me, over me to cover me, and beneath me to sustain/lift me" i love You Lord and i thank You :-)

by crystian

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