Prayer Request

Heavenly Father, I come today asking for emotional strength. I know that you never put on us more than we can bare, but today my heart is heavy. I know that there will always be people in my life that will dislike me or have something negative to say about me. But it is still hurtful when the people are those who I would have loved for them to have invited into their family with open arms and to know that their feelings about me are based on lies. Lord, help me to continue to love them and pray for them dispite their feelings for me. Lord, help me to keep a light heart full of joy instead of bitterness and resentment. Bless my husband to find peace and understanding with his family. Help him to have an open mind and an open heart to be able to embrace the love that my family extends to him and show him that it is possible to have love and acceptance from family without betrayal and mess. Lord, you have given us the gift of love and I thank you for that and I believe if I continue to teach by example, with your loving hand in the mix, the love that I desire from my new family will soon come. Amen

by Mrs. Cooks

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