Prayer Request

My heavenly father I am so words cannot express the way I feel right now. That facility and its owner need come to terms of the value of good workers. I cannot grasp my mind of understanding of what happen to my friend she work at this facility for nine years never late. Came on time did her med pass she was the best lpn they had and one thing which was probably silly fire her. Lord I do not what's going with this job but protect my residents and provide for friend give her comfort that everything be alright. Lord the devil busy in that place lord I place my foot on his head and said you have no place around here because God going to clean the debri you left behind. What you trash God turns and cleanse with his love and mercy. Lord watch over my family friends and my boyfriend family and friends. Lord watch and care for my grandma and brother in the hospital. Lord I thank u for the many blessings. Lord forgive me for my sins. Lord ease my friend mind. In Jesus name I pray for cleansing and stability. Lord I pray for healing in the mist of despair. I claim victory in your name Lord have mercy on us forgive us. Lord keep Haiti in your arms let the light shine in mist of cloudy thought let it be clear to them. Lord I cry out to you please restore. Lord you see the best in us.

by miss kind heart future pt

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