Prayer Request
Little girl was standing by a road side that had holes and metel flung everywhere. She would wait for the big green trucks, that would patrol her village snd wave as they passed. The men at first would yell and scream for her to go home, she was dirty hair knoted, dress hung like shreaded paper, but everyday she would take her stand by the side of the road and wave, for weeks this went on, one day as she waved she looked into her solider eyes and saw a glimpse of s smile, this day they did not call out cruel names or tell her to go home, this day they just looked at her and knoded their heads as they drove past. few more weeks went on till a cold morning the little girl could not be seen, the doliders trucks were coming closer to her spot but as they neared each held their breath were was she? Just when they were feeling a loss, small dust storm could be seen the little girl ran as fast as she could so as not to miss her soilders. She was waving her arms and a red scarf so they would take notice and see her. This times as the trucks passed all the soilders stood up and cheered and waved back to her. They didn't know her, but they new of her dedication, her commitment, her joy and love as day after day in all types of weather she would wave to her soilders. Given them a strength and a sesence of what they were doing was making a diffrence. Give each solider hope he didnot even know he was counting on. That little girl was not anymore diffrent then u or I, let's find our soilders whoever they are let them no it matters that they are here in our world in our life. God can do do so much through us just ask listen wait, be still for god is here let me feel him in my life action snd words pass his peace and joy on to others. God how great u are! Grow in me and others who want the life only u can give. Thank u for the gift of ur son in Jesus name amen
by hope Pray 4 people prayed for this
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