Prayer Request

God I pray each day that you will show me your will in finer clarity so that I can follow these small steps in faith and be closer and closer to reaching the deed you want me to do in this world. I pray that I will surrender all I have to you and allow you to use it for your glory every step of the way. Help me think as you want me to think and not in the world's perspective of living. To honor my Lord and King where I am, I must learn to humble myself always and be fearing you rather than man. Help me be a man of courage. I pray this in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.

by Terry Yew 25yr old

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Father I add my agreement to this son of yours. Show Yourself mighty on his behalf. Please honor his desire to serve you with his whole life. Thank you Jesus. Amen

Anonymous | on Feb 07, 2012

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