Prayer Request

Dear god, its never been anything that I asked u for that u didn't do, and I wanna thank you. Even things that I thought were impossible for u to forgive u forgave me. But god I feel this pain deep down in my heart for getting someone into some trouble that I am now out of. God I'm not asking for punishment or consequences because I'm praying that, that doesn't happen. But I pray that u forgive me and she does as well! I'm so sorry and I truely feel bad, she won't talk to me so god I'm turning to u please forgive me and amen. Please pray for me guyz because I am praying for u.....

by godsendmeanangel

Pray Pray

5 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I'm praying that God will restore your relationship and heal your pain.

Anonymous | on Jan 24, 2010

Thank you and I am praying as well

godsendmeanangel | on Jan 24, 2010

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