Prayer Request

Dear Lord... I pray for your comfort. I pray for understanding. I will not question your ways. Lord he was only 21, a baby... My age. I have laughed with him. Cried over him. Fought with him and spoke I'll of him. But now he is gone Lord. Onto a motorcycle and never to return. I have a pain in my stomach Lord. My tears come running up behind me. I know your plan is perfect Lord, but he was his mother's only son. Comfort her Lord... Please I beg you! Comfort her, give her understanding. Help us Lord. I don't even know how to grieve. My soul aches for all the days he will not see...

I love you Brent. You are forever with us.

Amen. Love u all.

by joi everlasting!

Pray Pray

25 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I will be praying for you as this must be very hard.

maddie | on Jan 24, 2010

the lord will deliver them to you, and you must do to them at all that i hcammanded

Anonymous | on Jan 24, 2010

I am the resurrection and life. he who believes in me will live, even though he dies 11:26 john

Anonymous | on Jan 24, 2010


iSEEKHIM | on Jan 26, 2010

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