Prayer Request

Thank you God for all that you have done for me, you have blessed me in so many ways, you have protected me and kept me safe in your arms, when i was going through so much you were trying to see if i could handle it and i did all because of you, the bible says you will never put more on me than i can bare, and at the time i thought it was too much and i couldnt take it but you said i can you were testing me now i now know i can do all things through christ who strenghtens me, that you believe me when i didnt believe in myself, thank you for loving me when i couldnt love myself thank you for giving me your eyes when i couldnt see the light, thank you for believeing in me when i thought all hope was gone, i just want to say thank you and im so grateful that you loved me enough to keep me on this earth to serve you, i couldnt ask for a better a farther or provider, its been a long time since i seen my dad, in my 21 year of living i can say i only seen him about six times, i thought it was something i did but im a good person and i always loved him he just never loved me back, but if i never talk to him again i can say that i will be okay because have you, just open his heart and show him that you live, he is fighting an addiction let him know he doesnt have to fight alone and he can get through it if he just believes and maybe once his addiction broken maybe he can take time for me.....Amen

by celesty

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