Prayer Request

i am 50yrs old and i live without hope.God , I ask why me? the constant calls from collections, the always short on money, please hear my cry for help, I need a financial miracle in my life, please help God I trust in you, in Jesus name..Please God help me with money or take me to the heaven today i don't have enough money to pay rent .what about food..i have two kids to feed ...Please God help ..

by lost4ever

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Lost4ever change your name and quit speaking that over your life....The power of life and death is in your tongue... Speak those things that are not as though they are...You are the head not the tail...Start where ever you are and pay tithes. Proclaim and give yourself out of is hard know. I have the bills and the phone calls also. Holy Spirit come and lead this precious woman into the truth and prepare her heart to receive and her ears to hear that which is really true. Lord open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that this precious child will not be able to contain. Do for her Lord and may she praise you and testify of your goodness. In the name of Jesus...Amen.Now Jesus loves you and will not forsake you. Fight back...I will continue to pray for you. Please do not void by prayers by by condemning your life with your words. Words created the heavens and the earth. What will you create today. Speak it, speak life even if you don't feel it and Praise, praise, praise....

Anonymous | on Feb 02, 2012

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