Prayer Request

Definitely in need of boss, whom I liked, was fired a week ago. This new manager is just a pain. I work as a csr for speedway. I talked to another manager about lossibly transferring, she asked me if I hustle and get my work done, if I suggestive sell. I do get my work done, ive fallen into a slump and haven't been suggestive selling lately. However even if I suggestive sell my butt of, it doesnt matter if the customer doesnt want the product.
So the manager I talked to today said she wouldn't even consider hiring me on cuz I don't suggestive sell constantly. and she said she would've fired me 2 Weeks ago.
If you are still with me, my manager has been, not so subtlety, dropping hints that I might be on the chopping block for getting fired. For example, this morning she asked if I swept and mopped, I wanted to say 'does it look like I did,' but I said no because when I went to mop a bunch of people came in. so she cut me down by saying 'well next time let's try to get it done earlier.'
I love working for speedway, love the "same level" coworkers, but I have a feeling even if I do great with my sales next week, it won't matter. I had the same feeling when she stated that my hours and the only other 3rd shift persons hours were gonna change. I went from 34 hours this week to 18 next week.
I don't know if I should wait to be fired, or start putting in applications and quit when I get hired somewhere else.

Need hope!!!!

by cody

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