Prayer Request

Somedays my biggest accomplisment is brushing my teeth. I have been so down and tired. Im now in my 4th month of pregnancy and just have so much on my mind. Job, my marriage, my kids... please give me hope Lord and forgive me for losing track of you and the Love of your forgiveness and promise. Please guide me in all I do and help me by showing me what to do about my job. I ask for forgiveness for being selfish. Help those who need u God. In jesus name, amen.

by catherine

Pray Pray

10 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Just wanted to te you to be strong I think that I know how your feeling the last couple of weeks I felt like everything was coming down on me but I kept strong and left everything in his hands n I'm doing better he will answers your prayers God's bless u

valentin | on Jan 22, 2010

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