Prayer Request

Forgive me Lord for my past and my doubts in life and your love. Lord i've made many mistakes in my short time on earth, and I pray Lord that you'll continue to show me your love and patience. I thank you Lord for the strength and love you've provided me with, and also for the love of my boyfriend and his family and their support and encouragement through all my times of trouble. Lord my daddy needs your hands right now. I know he believes, I feel he just needs some encouragement. I will do my best lord to remind him of your love and your wisdom, but please, I pray that you will protect him right now in his time of need. Lord I want my dad to understand that he is a great father, and he could never let me down. I feel that he can only be confident in himself and own his mistakes with your guiding hands lord. My father is not a bad man, he just made a mistake. Lord I pray that you can help ease his mind, and mine. Give me strength Father to make it through this time. In Jesus name Amen.

by Anonymous

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