Prayer Request

Father lord I come before u this day, I ask for ur forgiveness lord. I know I have been bad and I need help lord Jesus... pls come down and help me through the right path. God of heaven I humble myself before u, I'm so stressed out about my life . I want a new life with u God, I want ur blessing upon me and my family lord. Father pls forgive me and remove every plan of the devil in my life, every obstacle that hinders me from following u today lord destroy them. I'm going to do right by my wife and kids in Jesus name, apart from that lord most important is I want you to know me, I want to follow you lord. God pls fix my mind lord cos its really corrupt and let ur blessings start to pour over me and my family, all the impossible in my life become possible , father I have no job right now for over a yr . God what's happening to me .. I ask everyone on this app to pray for me cos I need prayers. As I lay down to sleep pls watch over me and my family so that we shall have cause to glorify ur name in the morning... Amen.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

25 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

God please come into this life.Show him you can set matters right in this life

JamesAndrews | on Jan 17, 2012

I'm praying for the same thing really. Every second of my life I am praying for forgiveness. Am I that bad a person?

Supercar55 | on Jan 17, 2012

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