Prayer Request

I've been in a relationship for 3 years now. I will be 29 next month. I'm ready to settle down and get married but I'm not sure if he does. I've been feeling really insecure for awhile now. I feel as though I will be dumped later on. I hate feeling this way because It shows my lack of faith, however; I just don't know when to just quit the relAtionship. Lord send your holy spirit to guide me. Search my heart Lord and reveal my sin so that I may walk a path that is for your glory.

by Vene

Pray Pray

9 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

It is not in His (God) best interest, or yours to not issue a commitment, in love.3 years is a long time, especially if sex is concerned.

Eld Will | on Jan 21, 2010

Thank you

Vene | on Jan 21, 2010

I went thru the same thing. Hang in there and God bless

Prayful | on Jan 21, 2010

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