Prayer Request

Dear lord i woke up this morning with this sadness in my heart i feel so all alone i feel like no one love me or care for me,my husband cheating on me cause me to loose interst in everything,i am so weak lord the devil is telling me to give up,he is telling me its over for me no use fighting,lord please help me don'nt let him get a hold of me i need you lord please do not leave me,give me the strength to fight the fight in jesus name i pray amen.

by lisa

Pray Pray

20 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I am feeling like you. If you would like to talk, email me at [email hidden from spammers].

jennylynn67 london england | on Jan 21, 2010

Lisa, pick your head up know matter how hard it may be, that is your husband problem that he cheated not yours I can gurantee he's not walking around with his head down. I've been through this so many times u get up move forward the best revenge is to do better if u didn't do your haire often do it more often if u didn't get a manicure go get one take care of u.

annontedncali [email hidden from spammers] | on Jan 21, 2010

Lisa, the devil is a liar and misery like company. Don't u ever give up, no matter how tired u get. And ain't no man worth you being depressed
(yes I said ain't, lol). How ya know he's cheatin u seen it. Girl lift yourself and your marriage up! In the name of Jesus, Amen.

~Just Keep Praying~ | on Jan 21, 2010

Lisa, coming from a man I'm praying for you sweetie. Right now pray for him as well yourself. Ask God for strength and endure the storm. Cause joy comes in the morning. There could be many reasons to why he did what he did but remember nothing last forever. Let go of it and let God work on your husband. I know the feeling and I'm so sorry. What we go thru, use it as a tesitmony to help someone else. Also do things to make you feel good. Hope that helps. God Bless you and your family

Warrior-Mario | on Jan 21, 2010

My husband left me two months after bringing him into the us I spend thauson of dallors in marrage and the process of is papers I even went to jamaica for the intervue I pay is plain fair to get here and he never even stay with me two months to finde a job and buy me a bottle of cold water to drink a lot of time I felt like giving up but he don't wort my life am biger than that with cods love i'am standing on higher ground get up dust ur self off move on what goes around comes around onley time will tell get up get dress go for a walk or go shoping dryed up ur tears and go meet people when he see u week that's what he and is misses want to see don't let love take u down you can win if you stay strong remember tell ur self he don't wort it just remember the std he might bring home to you wake up befoue its too late u can email me a [email hidden from spammers] if you ever need to talk.

love0066 | on Jan 21, 2010

God will take you through hell just to get you to Heaven

This is me | on Jan 23, 2010

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