Prayer Request

Lord I come to you because I am concern with this situation. You already know in my future. Lord I don t understand why people become so evil or have plot against. Lord I be told you about my job and the head staff picking at me talking about I don t do my job and you know I do. Lord the light has been shed on the situation because the job I interview for which is lifecare which is short and long term acute facility that has benefits and all call to see if I had good standing with them. In which I do I don t have no write ups. I come to work and I take care my residents. But they scandelize my creditbility to the job. Lord I am saying to myself why would they do that to me but lord I know you control everything and devil try keep me from moving foward. I look at this way if I am so bad why I am still working for you. Why I haven t been fire and I been there for 2 and half years and had no accidents with my patient and made employee of the month. Lord I ask you to forgive people that plot against me lord I ask you to give me this job at lifecare so I can have better opportunites to pay for school and provide for my needs. Lord get me through

by miss kind heart future pt

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Read salm 35 is very very powerful

Diana from NC | on Jan 21, 2010

Remember your company can not say something in a reference that is not true. Use that to your advantage

annontedncali [email hidden from spammers] | on Jan 21, 2010

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