Prayer Request

Lord I love you. I'm so thankful to know that despite how unimportant I am made to feel on earth that you are there to lift me up. Please help me to leave the person that is making me feel worthless. Please help him become the man he used to be again and heal his heart from whatever he's dealing with that's making him a bitter person. I love him but please help me let him go if that is your plan lord. Thank you so much for your guidance and strength. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

by ashley

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

You are not worthless... God loves you... Like a child and is very proud of you... Whatever it is you are looking for in a man, look to god for your needs of self worth... Man can not meet all your needs but god can. Put your trust in him and you will have the confidence to be the woman you want to be without the approval or Attention from a man. Be with god

Anonymous | on Jan 21, 2010

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