Prayer Request

Thank you today my Lord, my soul has found great peace the last few days, through my daily prayers, and demanding my life back from the theif of theives. My marriage is still having issues, however we are not at each others throat. Thank you for this. I still have not come to peace with having my stepson in the house, and i pray you will guide me and give me wisdom in this area. I will praise you in all things. These things I pray in your name. Amen

by Rob B

Pray Pray

10 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Amen, God is good! not sure how old ur stepson is but please understand he is a gift from God for you to be a role model for! God has blessed me with 2step sons and a step daughter and they have become like myown children, and I am now their Role model and they are great kids I wouldnt trade them for ANYTHING! God will guide u my brother. God bless!

seen the light07 | on Jan 20, 2010

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