Dear Lord, I don't know what to do anymore. I have never reached this level of deppression. I cant find a job and i cant find a place to live and I am about to be homless. I owe hundreds of thousands in student loans and have a bad record from when i was younger. I have changed my ways but still see no light at the end of the tunnel. I am a very miserable person and destroy everyone who cares about me. I only care about myself and i cant take much more. I dont know why i am here on earth? What is my purpose ? I have destroyed everything. Please help i dont know what to do i have tried everything. I need guidence show me the path before its to late please.
Someone in Naples, FL
What ever you do, don't lose hope! God always helps those who help themselves and don't be afraid to ask for help from your loved ones.
Hold on & keep talking to God. When we get to a point where we know we can't do it for ourselves & ask God to step in, He will. Look for it expect it.
Don't loose your faith, keep praying, I will pray for you until you find an answer from Our Father, The Almighty!
Jose | on Jan 19, 2010Remember Jesus died for all your sins you have ever committed! He's faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness! Don't give up you need miracles and that's just what were going to pray for. Ask God who else has the words of eternal life? Where else you gonna go? God is it hun and he lives you know this! He didn't promise us an easy life but he did give us his word as a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. Proverbs 3:5-6. Email me if you would like to talk more and just know if you go to a shelter you can probibly apply for welfare and then you can get your own place while your looking for work. You are definatly not the only person in this situation tons of people are. In fact I bet at the shelter you will find people with your exact story. And thier homeless situation was recent too! But lord we come to you on behalf of her Jesus! We ask for your help for employment quick for her so that she won't lose her house. Jesus help her to take life a day at a time. Lord maybe provide a roomate for her to have stay and help with the rent or a family or friend from the past. Lord show her what direction to walk lead her as she opens her bible to hear you speak to her and give her wisdom. Help her to quiet her mind so that she may listen to you lord. Keep us updated girl praying for you and if you need a friend to pray with I'm here: [email hidden from spammers]
Never feel like you have no purpose here on earth for Jesus died on the cross so that we can live. Keep praying, read the bible and don't give up. God ALWAYS makes a way out of no way in due time! Believe me I am a walking and talking miracle
your daughter | on Jan 19, 2010In the name of Jesus I declare victory in ur life! I declare a suprnatural blessing upon u and u need to receive it by faith! Do not allow the enemy to take ur mind! He comes to steal to kill and to destroy! The only reason u r under so much attack is because your special and have a great calling on your life and the devil knows it and tried to take you out when u were younger but please believe don't loose hope because the same God that kept you alive and safe then will uphold you with his victorious right hand! If u stand and surrender to Christ he will bere ur burden and renew ur life for his glory!! U r in my prayer and please email me anytime you need a prayer partner! [email hidden from spammers] my name is anthony. May the bleSsings of our Lord and his divine protection and direction be upon you now and forever!