Prayer Request

Dear lord, i am so heartbroken by not being with my 8yr old daughter. I have had many serius medical problems but am now stronger. My mom has temp custody. I have been to the courts and am filing for perm custody. This is too tough for my daughter. This has been going on for almost 2yrs. I am loosing hope & faith. I dont know what else i can do. Any prayers or suggestions would be most appreciated. I have this hole in my heart and im getting desperate. Please god be with me and watch over me. Thank you

by alli5801

Pray Pray

12 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

God has a plan and purpose for everything that occurs. Its very hard, dont loos the faith even if the battle seems lost. Patience, prayer, persevirence cus out time is not the same as God's time. God bless.

nathan | on Jan 19, 2010

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