Pray my nabor sandy well be there for me like she has in past right now she aren't speaking to me she always stick up for me n tell landlord bout apt 4 selling n doing drugs n slamming door n people make loud noise n people go in n out 24 to 7 n telling lies saying no one living with them they got more than 34 people Live at apt 4 /down in basement n running /jumping all nite long me n my Faimly can't sleep people by my daughter windows n gun shots etc I aren't going to lie I am scared I just wish the landlord believe me the truth set me free cant afford to get evicted give me favor y cant we all get along why??my nabors. House is like pig n trash every where n the landlord aren't doing anything /pray they keep door shut at all time they keep it open n heat get wasted n we barely get heat the furnace need to be clean n vent need to be changed