Prayer Request

I am fighting a spirtual battle. I feel lost and weak inside. Not even two weeks ago I was filled with the spirit. I have not used my tongue right. I came across some hurtful things. I pray that I am able to overcome this evil and be an example for my daughter. I put in a specail prayer for those who are weak and lost and need to cast our cares upon you lord. Thank you lord for your mercy.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I thank god for all his works I started reading his words and it hit me I cant always go threw life alone God keeps me strong. I thank all of yall that have prayed for me. I hope I can be the husband my wife needs. As much as I need her she needs me. God bless everyone. Let us be strong in the holy spirit.

Anonymous | on Dec 19, 2011

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