Prayer Request

Lord please help me lord I just feel like giving up on life everything is horrible for me nothing going right for me I dint ask for this I don't know what to do I'm unhappy with myself and hows my life is going I hide so I don't get judge. I prayed and prayed and prayed and it seems none of my prayers were answered please help me lord

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Write likes and dislikes about you on a sheet,not what people think, but what u think according to you that's what I did...this world is cruel n unjust. | on Jan 14, 2010

He will make a way for u but u hv too have faith and trust him. Don't tell God how big ur problem is but tell ur problem how big your God is.

Anonymous | on Jan 14, 2010

Lisen to gospel music like the grace thrillers the words in the album are powerful and cheerfull fast and pray to god for three days drink plenty of water talk to god he love you tell him what u need belived in him and will here you he lisen to me and because I belived in him .

Anonymous | on Jan 14, 2010

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