Prayer Request

Dear Lord, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to ask you for the desires of my heart. I need you now...I need renewed strength to function and not worry about my troubles. Please encourage me and help me to trust in you Lord. I love you and I know you love me too so help me to leave my burdens in your hands. Amen

by Anonymous

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Comments on this Prayer

I don't know your troubles but I have been feeling a little lost myself. I got pregnant a few years ago and decided to keep my baby. I had a healthy baby girl. Yah! Well my daughters father bailed out. He has done very minimal for her. It bothers me daily mainly because I had my daddy in the house with me and we are hella close. He is my everything. He has that relationship with my daughter too. But I haven't found anybody worthy to spend my time with. All of this bothers me because I use to be so confident. Now I have lost myself. All I can keep doing is praying for strength.

happiness | on Jan 13, 2010

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