Prayer Request

Dear Lord,
I need help and guidence so bad. I'm lost and need you. Please in the name of your son Jesus Christ please help me. I need you so bad.
-your daughter-

by Daughter of God

Pray Pray

9 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

First you need to pray that , you need admit that you r a sinner. We are all sinners. Jesus just want you to admit to Him you are a sinner. Second you need to believe that Jesus is the son of God and he really died for you and he really rose on the 3rd day. And third you need to accept Jesus Christ as your savior. The bible.says there is only one way to the father and that is accepting my son Jesus Christ as your savior. When you pray this, Jesus will be in your heart. He will save you. Read his word and He will tell you.

deanna | on Jan 12, 2010

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