Prayer Request

Lord i cant do it anymore i feel like my relationship is a waste i want to drop everything and serve you. Help me what do i do

by Godsservant

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

You can do both - keep your relationship with your spouse and 'drop everything' and follow God! Share your love for Him with your wife/husband and begin a religious journey together. Pray together, read the Bible together, there are so many things that you can do for this, and strengthen your spousal relationship as well! God bless you and here's a tip: pretend your life is like losing weight. You want it more than anything else to look, feel, and be perfect. God bless and I will pray for you!

Anonymous | on Jan 11, 2010

Sometimes it's Gods plan to let you decide, but remember the easy route is usually not the best way to truely follow and believe. Jesus loved the seeming unloveable and the world was never the same.

Alan Micks | on Jan 11, 2010

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