Prayer Request

Almighty God, thank you for having a plan for my life, for giving me salvation, and being able to choose you as My God! I pray for my co-worker Vanessa who I just finish speaking to about your love and sharing my testimony with. I pray that she will have an ear for you, and give her life to you! Please Lord reveal yourself to her and her family, let her know you are real! She told me her experiences as being around people who called themselves Christians but lived and act like this world, so her perspective of what a Christian is corrupted. Please let her see Christ in me, and how a true follower is suppose to be/act/live. Give me the words to speak to her, and show her your ways, I pray this in my fathers name, amen!

by Christ-in-me

Pray Pray

10 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer


joi everlasting! | on Jan 07, 2010

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