Prayer Request

Lord I pray that my faith in you becomes stronger. I need to learn how to completley dedicate my life to you. During the summer at fellowship of Christian athletes camp i was so dedicated to you, lived completley for you, read the bible and everything. I kept that up for a while but then once you stop being around that environment and leave the strong Christians there you get back into reality and then only keep it up for so long. People always say how beautiful I am inside and how I live for you...yes I live for you but I need to be living COMPLETLEY for you. I need help to maintain that strong faith all the time and always have it in my heart. I'm only a 13 yr old girl and I really hope I can grow in faith and then get more courage to share it with others. Lord I thank you for everything you have blessed me with and I love you so much.

And thank you to anyone who prays for me. I really appreciate it:)

by ashlyn

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